Minggu, 23 Juni 2013

Seal Show

Seal Show
baby seal pictures
Image by mjording

New Born grey seal pup
baby seal pictures
Image by Andreas-photography
This pup was born this morning, rather quickly, I didnt get the images i set out to get but after talking to Lincs wildlife trust, I decided not to venture out across the sand 100s of people did

I look after injured wildlife, and most injuries are what us humans inflict on them

I love photographing wildlife, but I respect it, It is just that, wildlife, I have no God given right to stomp across the sand and infringe on the animals territory

A true photography would dress in dark clothing, and just take the equipment they needed, a true photography would lay down away from the animal and not approach it in a noisy fashion

Grey seals are very inquisitive lay down away from them and wait and they will then come to you,

learn about your subject, respect it, do not disturb it or force your presents upon it do not make sudden movements and most of all DO NOT TOUCH THEM

I have come home very disturbed and upset by the actions of some photographers whom have visited this place
It ruined my day and kind of turned me off of taking pictures

Britney Spears - Me Against the music - CD Remixes Single
baby seal pictures
Image by Cesar Pics
BRITNEY SPEARS featuring MADONNA Me Against The Music - Remixes (2003 US exclusive 7-track CD single including remixes by The Trak Starz, Gabriel & Dresden, Peter Rauhofer, Bloodshy and Avant plus Kayne West, great picture sleeve - sealed!).

Britney Spears - Me Against the music THE REMIXES - CD Single
baby seal pictures
Image by Cesar Pics
BRITNEY SPEARS featuring MADONNA Me Against The Music - Remixes (2003 US exclusive 7-track CD single including remixes by The Trak Starz, Gabriel & Dresden, Peter Rauhofer, Bloodshy and Avant plus Kayne West, great picture sleeve - sealed!).

Britney Spears - Me Against the music The Remixes - CD Single
baby seal pictures
Image by Cesar Pics
BRITNEY SPEARS featuring MADONNA Me Against The Music - Remixes (2003 US exclusive 7-track CD single including remixes by The Trak Starz, Gabriel & Dresden, Peter Rauhofer, Bloodshy and Avant plus Kayne West, great picture sleeve - sealed!).

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