lens with ceiling fan
Image by paul goyette
another new lens -- got it yesterday (used).
i bought this one a couple months ago with the idea of taking baby pictures, but i haven't found it very useful for that purpose -- it can be too long for shots in tight interiors, and at the same time the minimum focus distance of 3 feet means it's not that useful for closeups. the macro lens pictured above addresses both of these issues, and should make a deliciously sharp portrait lens as well. its main drawback appears to be its relative lack of speed (which is why i haven't yet sold the 85).
by the way, this shot was taken with the much maligned d50 kit lens, which actually excels at the wide end and for near-macro closeups.
Miles, Crew, and Cameron - 261/365
Image by foshydog
Well, the kids are here. They showed up on Saturday afternoon which was a wild ride. This is how it all went down. I was about 5 minutes from leaving the house at 9:25 AM and Jessica told me she thought her water had broke. We called the hospital and they said to get down quickly because the OU vs OSU football game day traffic was starting up. Did I mention I was supposed to go to this game? I went to OU and had been to the past 2 games between the 2 schools. Well, I am taking a friend's advice and have decided to frame the tickets since I didn't get to use them and it will make for a great story for the rest of my life. Back to the kids though. We headed out to the hospital and found out that the entrance ramp onto the freeway was closed going both ways. OK. I decided to head down the road to get on a different freeway. Just as we start down a cop pulls up at an intersection and closes down that road due to an accident. Plan C is now in full effect. We head down a different road to get to another freeway we would have ended up on. We eventually get to it and start off towards the hospital. Lucky for us we end up right in the middle of game day traffic. Jessica wasn't doing too bad at this point so we weren't freaking out. We crawled up to the hospital exit, which was closed by the way, and pulled off and told the cop there we had a pregnant lady in the car. He waved us on by and we were free and clear finally. We eventually wheeled our way to the labor and delivery floor and got signed in. Once we made it to a room things started to move pretty fast. They quickly confirmed the babies were coming today and gave us information on what all was about to take place. About 45 minutes after we had arrived Jessica was getting real uncomfortable so we grabbed a doctor and she said it was time to go. They sent Jessica down to the delivery room and I sat in the hall way waiting to be asked into the operating room. It was wild how many times people asked if I was doing OK. I was actually really calm I thought. Nothing was happening in the hallway that made me think anything in the operating room was wrong. I eventually was asked to come in for the delivery. Jessica was doing great and I just sat by her and made sure she was OK. It all happened really fast so bare with me. About 3-4 minutes after I got in there baby A (Miles) was delivered at 1:34 PM and weighing at 4lbs 4oz. Baby B (Crew) came into the world at 1:35 PM at 4lbs 7oz. I actually got to see him come out. That was pretty cool. Baby C (Cameron) was delivered at 1:36 PM and weighed 4lbs 9oz. I got to see him delivered as well. The good thing about seeing Crew and Cameron being delivered was that I could confirm that they came out in the same way they had been labeled for the last few months. We were a little worried they might get new letters. This helped out in the naming process since we had some idea of how they were when they were growing. So I ran around the operating seeing all the babies and taking pictures while Jessica had to lay there and get stitched back up. They all scored 9's on their APGAR test after 5 minutes. I guess that's the highest they give so everyone was real happy with that. They let Jessica see the babies real quick and then rushed them off to get all checked out. We sat in recovery for a good bit and eventually met up with the boys in the NICU. They looked real good and 2 of them were breathing on their own right away. Crew had a little help breathing for just the first 24 hours. Jessica was able to be wheeled down to the NICU on a gurney so she could see them all for herself. By that time it was getting late and we headed upstairs for some R&R while the boys slept. It was one heck of a day but everything went well and we now have 3 new additions to the family.
Also, Miles and Cameron are the identicals. Crew definitely looks different. In the picture above the order is as the title of the photo is, Miles, Crew, and Cameron. I didn't post a pic of Crew's face today since he had his breathing tube in the first day. You will see him soon.
The triplets are here!!!!!!
Image by Micah Taylor
I have no idea what I did to make my flash do this but this picture cracks me up every time I see it.
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