First Baby Delivered at IDF Field Hospital in Haiti, Jan 2010
Image by Israel Defense Forces
January 17, 2010
Picture of the first baby delivered at the Israel Defense Forces Field Hospital in Port-au-Prince, Haiti. The mother arrived at the hospital eight months pregnant escorted by a relative, and shortly thereafter, she gave birth to a healthy boy whom she named Israel.
Video can be seen at:
After the devastating earthquake which struck Haiti in January 2010, Israel sent an aid delegation of over 250 personnel to help with search and rescue efforts and establish a field hospital in Port-au-Prince.
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Silly Boy
Image by AlaskaTeacher
While I was on the floor with the girls taking pictures, some of the boys starting acting like, well, boys. This one was rolling all over the floor like a steamroller.
I think this shot is funny because it's the kind of pose you'd usually see in a picture of a small baby just learning how to lift his head of and crawl. Instead, you see this large fourth grader. :)
Image by tanya_little
Just a family shot.. it will be my birthday tomorrow and Cody will be 1 the day after.. I always try to sneak in some togetherness.. even if they are just quick snapshots :)
Even Anubis squeezed into the picture. Ryan really wanted to hold him, even if he looks pissy, this is the first 'complete' family picture I suppose, haha :)
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~Tanya Little
Best Picture Ever!
Image by Pfau
Who's in there? Baby Jack! About 6:30 am, still fresh and clean, makeup on, hair did, thinking this is easy stuff. They are just about to start the inducement with pitocin. After the pitocin, the contractions kept coming and coming and got stronger and stronger until they had to turn the meds off because they were coming every 45 seconds or so. All the time, I was still only at 2 to 3 centimeters. THe nurses felt sorry for me and gave me a little something for pain, it did not last, finally the epidural doctor came and tried twice to give me the shot.. He had to go again and finally got the epidural in. THen after all that crap, 12 hours later I was still at a 3 and not effaced all the way. A C-section at 7:30 finally brought the boy into the world. Sadly, the staff didn't even bring him to me until 10:30pm 3 hours later. How sucky is that? But boy was he worth the wait.
Twin Boys Baby Shower Cake
Image by ~Cupcakes Under Cover~
I was so happy on how smoothly everything went with this cake, I think I took a hundred out pictures!!
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