yellow beauty and hannah montana- 4 weeks
Image by Kevin Cortopassi
here is hannah montana and yellow beauty! they are becoming less yellow, idk why. its wierd but oh well. haha
the one on the left was freaking out the whole time and kept chirping all over the place while i was trying to take their picture.
these chicks a couple days old
them at 2 weeks
so heres an update on all of them, they are all alive still, they have survived cold nights and mean chickens(the biggest one we have is such a bully and jerk, he flies into the other chickens on purpose). but they are all doing well it seems so its good!!
The young ones
Image by Kiesha Jean
... they have yet to be told it's not polite to stick their toungue up their nose in front of guests
♥ My pictures come from my life so they all have great meaning to me. ::: CLICK HERE ::: to learn more about my life adventure.
♥ Shop 7ft photo wall prints by Kiesha Jean on Etsy
Hopper (Baby Grasshopper)
Image by Reini68
This baby grasshopper was sitting on the side of our pool. It's incredible, that the antenna is at least twice the size of the body (which is less than one cm). Please note to really see the quality of the picture you have to go to the large size at least, as the smaller sizes won't reveal the details.
The blur of the one antenna is mainly due to the shallow DOF at macro photography. There is no way around this problem. The second reason is that the grasshopper wouldn't hold still - at least not with this antenna. All shots of this guy came out with a blurred right antenna (from it's point of view).
baby hawk
Image by flying white
Two newlywed redtail hawks setup their first nest in my big spruce; from what my birdy friends tell me, an old couple would never have nested in such a busy spot. Regardless, they hatched two babies. This one's first attempt to fly didn't go so well; spent the first day on my porch (as pictured), and then the next 4 weeks on the ground and low trees nearby. It had absolutely no fear of people, my cats.... I was thrilled at first, but after four weeks of hearing it cry to be fed at 5am every day, I was also thrilled to have it leave.
baby grendel.
Image by Laurie Pink
He looks so wide eyed and innocent. My favourite bit of this picture is the food crumbs on his chin.
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