Rabu, 24 April 2013

Cool Create Baby Picture images

Bubbles with Baby Flowers in Blue & White Geometrics 12.2
create baby picture
Image by ♥ Crystal Writer ♥
This is one of my favorite ones because of the bubble look of the flower petals and the two-tone hex lines running in the back of everything. Plus, the little light reflections in each petal add a neat depth to the flowers.

Factory floor of the glamor industry…
create baby picture
Image by jai Mansson's photography.
Read my notes. All these people are ultimately doing just one thing: manipulating photons. Light creates the images that are recorded through a camera upon film to be shown to you so that you may be motivated to buy a brand of Japanese tea. No wonder I have a strange disengagement with my work. Marx talked about the alienation of the worker from his labor, but I'm not sure this is what he meant.

All this effort and manpower to control something that is massless.

create baby picture
Image by DennisSylvesterHurd
May 1, 2010 (Saturday) - They're still silent but larger!

Used in my blog on June 17, 2010.

Since the fall of 2003, the daily focus of my eJournal and images blog has been on text. Later in July 2005, because of Flickr, I've been able create something which emphasizes a daily image or video clip. I'll shoot and add one each day. Doing so will remind me to constantly carry a camera and it'll be a more direct record of current, personal experiences.

Baby Patrick Likes to Have His Picture Made
create baby picture
Image by crowolf
Created with www.dumpr.net - fun with your flickr

Playing with the Channel Mixer
create baby picture
Image by Chiceaux
I took a shot of Hannah at a picnic and the background was really blown out (Original Picture), so I cut out her image and placed it into pieces of a larger shot from in our kitchen. I was happy with the way the cut out went. I used a feathered layer mask that I created from a vector and then duplicated the layer, placed the duplicate underneath, applied the layer mask and then blurred the underneath layer. I have been looking at pictures and examining the lens blur on the edges of subjects. What I've found is that you will always lose a little bit of your original image when you section out and copy because there is some transfer and blending where the edges meet. In order to work around this, I left out all the of background pixels when I made the selection, and then put them back in when I blurred the duplicate layer underneath the copied section. This has given me the best results I've had so far when trying to do this type of work in Photoshop.

The second aspect of this picture that I want to comment on here is the split screen differences in the colors/luminosity. I was actually working with a channel mixer adjustment layer in order to try to produce a more interesting b/w photo and got to playing with the blending mode of that layer. By checking the "monochrome" box in the adjustment panel and then setting the layer blend mode to luminosity, I was able to preserve the original colors, while adjusting the luminosity to a more favorable balance. I know that I can do this with levels and curves, but I wasn't able to produce as good of an effect using those methods. I've tried this in a couple of other shots, with less desirable results, but it's worth playing with in the future.

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