lucky baby
Image by Goldmund100
english below...
Ebbene sì, il regalo è arrivato prima del previsto. SanMarinoPhoto ha effettuato la consegna in 10 giorni invece dei 30 previsti.
L'obiettivo Sigma, compatibile Nikon è interessante e per molti motivi divertente da usare.
La prima impressione è quella di un peso esagerato. Pesa almeno il doppio della fotocamera ed il triplo del obiettivo in kit.
La messa a fuoco è puntuale e veloce. La nitidezza, anche con luce praticamente assente è stupefacente. I ritratti, alcuni li vedrete qui fra i commenti sembrano quasi fatti da un bravo fotografo.
I 340€ compresa spedizione direi che sono valsi l'acquisto.
Ora devo imparare a sfruttarlo a pieno. Ogni consiglio è ben accetto.
--- ENGLISH ---
My birthday present has arrived before was scheduled. First impression is its weight... terribly hefty in comparison to the d40 kit lens.
Shooting at f1.4 is something captivating... focus is stressed, subject is sharp, blur is quite professional.
Any comments or suggestions would be very appreciated! Photos in comments are firsts test shots.
Hung up (23 - End)
Image by Kees van Mansom
Model: Nicole (Studio facility: Fotoclub Almere - The Netherlands)
You'll wake up one day
But it'll be too late
Every little thing that you say or do
I'm hung up
I'm hung up on you
Waiting for your call
baby night and day
I'm fed up
I'm tired of waiting on you
Olympus OM-1, Zuiko 35mm f2.8 on Ilford Delta Professional 100 film
Developed at 20 degrees Celcius in: Amaloca AM74 (1+7, 4 min.), S10 (1+19, 30 sec.), X88 (1+4, 4 min.)
I have made a little slideshow/movie on music of these model photos. Started with Evanescence behind the photos from Julia (yep, very depressing) anf then to Nicole with the music from Madonna (Hung up) coming up. I am practicing with mixing photos on the ritme of the music; can't publish them on the internet due to the rights on the music. Follow the photo serie with the lyrics to get an idea of the show. This is the last of the series.
Lady in bLue
Image by Denise ~*~
Orphan Works Act
If you don’t register every photo and work of art in government certified private databases, you are about to give the legal right for anyone to infringe on your copyright.
“The Orphan Works Act of 2008”, (H.R. 5889) and the “Shawn Bentley Orphan Works Act of 2008” (S.2913), were released to the House of Representatives and the Senate recently. While at first glance the law seems to be a ‘last resort’ for a search for the owner of any photograph, artwork or sculpture, the devil, as they say, is in the details.
An “orphan”, as it relates to this legislation, is an original creative work such as a photograph, graphic image, or sculpture, which is still protected by its term of copyright, but the copyright holder can’t be found. Actually, this bill makes it easy for searchers to pretend it’s hard not to find copyright holders!
Go to to quickly find the phone number, address, e-mail of every U.S. Senator, U.S. Representative, Governor and State Legislator. Please be polite. Threats only work against us artists. We need to make a professional impression to be taken seriously.
Make yourself be heard. Protect your creations. Every voice counts and so does your right to control your own creations. YOU NEED TO WRITE LETTERS NOW!
We only have a few days to make ourselves heard, as the Senate and House will only allow a short time for comments. Call them, send e-mails and fax letters.
excerpts from
Please read up on this, become informed and based on that decision: NOTIFY YOUR CONGRESSMEN of your opinion!!!! You can tell them how you want them to vote! If enough people speak out against this, we are sure to make a difference! MAKE YOUR VOICE HEARD!
This affects EVERYONE, not just professional photographers (I'm not one). You could lose copyright to your own personal snapshots as well.
Image by U.S. Pacific Air Forces
Two days after her baby was delivered and resuscitated, A Nepali family is visited by a team Project HOPE and Nepali health care professionals who were supporting Operation Pacific Angel 12-4 at Nau Danda Health Post of Dhikur Pokhari Village Development Committee (VDC) of Kaski District, Nepal on Sept 14, 2012. U.S. Pacific Command's Operation Pacific Angel 12-4 in Nepal is a Pacific Air Forces planned event that enhances humanitarian assistance and disaster relief capabilities between the United States and Pacific partners. The U.S. was invited by the Nepal government to provide support by conducting medical, optometry, and civil engineering programs. Operations like Pacific Angel build and sustain relationships with our multinational partners , and non-governmental agencies in the Asia-Pacific region. (courtesy photo)
Image by Greene Connections
Photo of an unidentified baby, believed to be either Joanna Wilma Buchanan or Fern Buchanan, who were both daughters of John Leoin Buchanan & Ocie Ella Bowler that died very young in 1911 and 1912. Original, professional photograph, no photographer listed. The photograph was passed from William Daily Buchanan [1847-1922] and his wife, Mary Isabelle “Belle” Archer [1856-1932], to their son John Leoin “Lee” Buchanan [1874-1951] and his wife, Ocie Ella Bowler [1877-1958], to their daughter Mary Isabelle “Mollie” (Buchanan) Clark [1902-1992] to her daughter, Ella Mae (Clark) (Phillips) Waters, to her cousin Candice Lynn Buchanan who owned and shared the photograph with the Greene Connections: Greene County, Pennsylvania Photo Archives Project in 2008. The Buchanan Series is a part of the Candice Lynn Buchanan Collection.
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