Sabtu, 20 April 2013

RIP Nikon D40

RIP Nikon D40
baby photos ideas
Image by soundman1024

The last photo of my Nikon D40's prematurely expired life. There were 34,959 photos it served me for, including: three weddings; three senior shoots; two family shoots; a good handful of live and posed band shoots; a few theatrical show shoots; and lots of shots of friends. Thanks to no metering this guy taught me a whole lot. Not having a decent camera, I intend to explore an idea I've had for a while considering the cell phone as the Polariod of the era. Maybe I'll get some decent shots out of it, maybe not.

Anyway be looking forward for updates from me for a little while. I had 5 photoshoots over the week. My D40, thankfully, lasted through all of them. My next shoot lined up is a wedding in March, so I'll have to get a new unit by then.

Sandhill Crane Baby
baby photos ideas
Image by Photomatt28
Sandhill Crane Baby, Circle B Bar Reserve, Lakeland, Florida

If anyone has any advice on where to shoot or is interested in shooting together this coming Thursday please drop me a note. Basically anywhere in south/central Florida is fair game. My primary ideas at this moment are 1)Everglades, 2)Wakodahachee/Green Cay, 3)Three Lakes Wildlife Management Area.

Please visit my blog for more info.

Tribe Research Bag
baby photos ideas
Image by Michael Quinn Family
One of Michael's friends on Twitter ( is @katetribe who runs Tribe Research -

Kate had a very smart idea of giving away free shopping bags to anyone - and then asking them to send in photos of people using them around the world. So here is my entry!

Smells like Mummy
baby photos ideas
Image by Michael Quinn Family
The little floral rag / ball thingy you see in some of the photos is actually something Fiona puts down her top when she is at the hospital to get her "smell" on it. The idea is when we aren't there, the smell of it in Eliza's crib makes her a bit happier.

Greeting card featured on Lifehacker
baby photos ideas
Image by eszter
I used this graphic as an illustration for the Lifehacker feature on Unique Photo Gift Ideas. That would be me a few (well, more than a few:) years ago.

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