Minggu, 06 Januari 2013

Cool Professional Baby Photos images

Bruce Holding Ornament
professional baby photos
Image by Robert of Fairfax
Photo of Bruce Kennington taken in New London, CT. The professional photographer displayed this enormously enlarged picture of Bruce in the front window of his shop for several months. I kept checking to see if he would take it down, but that never happened while we lived at Groton Long Point, CT. -Sabra Kennington

Flickrkids as buzz: mosaic
professional baby photos
Image by cnkimpel
composed w/ andreamosaic.
all photos, copyright respective owner used w/o permission, but with the utmost apologies to their intellectual property rights

harvested from the following groups:
-forum for professional children's photographers
-Black and White CHILDREN's Portraiture
-Little Parts
-1-2-3 KIDS (1 a Day)
-Top 20 Child Portrait Shots (add1+delete1)
using flickrdown

Bruce Holding Ornament
professional baby photos
Image by Robert of Fairfax
Photo of Bruce Kennington taken in New London, CT. The professional photographer displayed this enormously enlarged picture of Bruce in the front window of his shop for several months. I kept checking to see if he would take it down, but that never happened while we lived at Groton Long Point, CT. -Sabra Kennington

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