Jumat, 07 Juni 2013

Cool Funny Baby Picture images

Rubber-Lined Lorry For Delivering Fluosilicic Acid To You
funny baby picture
Image by judge_mental
OK, so children are stabbing babies, you daren't go out at night and your kids' teeth have finally come out looking kinda funny.

But at least someone has a job driving this neoprene-lined lorry full of ph2 fluosilicic acid pollution liquor from an Immingham fertiliser factory to the pumping stations of Anglian Water's Lincoln Division.

These lorries, which usually creep around at night, are based at Lincoln's Washingborough Road depot (pictured) and at Elsham.

There are also large reserve tanks of H2SiF6 at Welton pumping station.

homepages.ihug.co.nz/~spittle/381 11-22.pdf


Susi the cat
funny baby picture
Image by zlakfoto
Some weeks ago, my girlfriend "adopted" two cats from a family whose baby got a cat allergy. Susi is almost completely black with cool yellow eyes, and she's the way more elegant and august of the two. Her brother Strolchi is more the "stupid funny pictures" kind of a cat. I guess I'll be contributing some pictures of him soon.

(No, it wasn't me who came up with the cats names. I would have used the cat namer, of course.)

Technical details: Pentax K20D with Cosina 100/3.5 Macro, flash on top of the camera, bounced off the ceiling. Little cropping and color-key postprocessing in Adobe Lightroom. I have to figure out a way to get rid of the reflections in the eyes, though.

funny baby picture
Image by Jacob Johan
Came across this picture while browsing 'old' photos of Feline. She is three months in this picture, somehow I never uploaded this. Weird, because I have it in print, enlarged. Taken with my old Nikon F65. The sunlight on this cold day was amazing.

I arrived at this picture, because we showed Feline pictures of herself right after birth. We have some very explicit photos of the delivery taken by a nurse or mid-wife assistant. You know, of the stuff you see on television and you wonder WHY these people allow themselves to be filmed like that. Not sure about the US, but that's how it is over here in the Netherlands.

Anyway, at first we thought it was gross. But afterwards, it turns out it is truly amazing to see all that stuff happening. Also for Patty, because she couldn't see much of course. We took similar gross pictures of Tijn, and friends have done it as well, after they saw ours.

And now it is funny to show the photos to Feline with the new baby being a hot topic of course. She handled them quite well and asked all kind of questions about how come the baby doesn't fall out and what the 'blue thing' was coming out of here belly (umbilical cord).

benten on futon
funny baby picture
Image by QuintanaRoo
Bens was my baby for only a little while. I found her in the street, stuffed her in my hoodie and ran her home to clean up the sores and the matted fur and to give her lots of food and water for her poor dehydrated and starved body. She deserved so much more, but I'm glad she got at least her year of kitty comfort. What a little funny face she was.

I found this picture while looking at older pictures of Roo. I didn't know I'd be able to be sadder than I was already, but this picture did it.

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