Kamis, 24 Januari 2013

Cool Baby Picture Frames images

Sun, Aug 22nd - Sigmund and flowers
baby picture frames
Image by Sylvain_Latouche
Errr... Nothing else to upload today...
We were looking for furniture in Belgium for the baby's bedroom... and didn't find anything :(

errrr... I know I'm boring, but BTW, pleaaaaaase vote for the pict I present in the pregancy-magazine contest, even if you've already voted yesterday. You can vote once a day until Aug 31st
I need you every day !!!! :)
My picture is currently ranked #25 and I need to be in the top 5 to win something !!!

It's very simple, just click on "Votez pour moi" at this link:

three toned down
baby picture frames
Image by ktyazoo
i said goodbye to the baby picture. i forgot about the guy in the weird outfit.
i haven't updated the smithsonian logo yet. i'm going to do that once i get the file tonight.
and i like them with the black border. should i add a black frame to them? or would that be too much? i don't know.

baby picture frames
Image by Jacqueliine Pallesen
just a thought, and i think now the thought is gone. keeping it simple

A paintball pierced that
baby picture frames
Image by wickedneuron
I also scored 3 touchdowns in a football game wearing that shirt. That's why it is the way it is. That frame used to hold my baby pictures. It's probably older than I am. I wonder what we'd with things if we could grab them from the future. Would we hold on to them like we do the past? Would we frame them? Would we send them back with a note taped on that read, " See you soon!"?
-sent from my phone
-listening to my stomach rumble cause I haven't had dinner...

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