Senin, 28 Januari 2013

Cool Baby Wolf Pictures images

Lying wolf pup
baby wolf pictures
Image by Tambako the Jaguar
This cute wolf pup was born this Spring and I had the chance to take a picture of him during my last visit at the zoo of Zürich.

More pictures of him are coming later!

Brave wolf pup sitting II
baby wolf pictures
Image by Tambako the Jaguar
Next wolf pup picture, taken at the zoo of Zürich, also adorable! :)

Little wolf
baby wolf pictures
Image by Tambako the Jaguar
Picture of a wolf pup living in the zoo of Zürich, cutely posing.

I took it in may 2009 but didn't upload it back then.

Made it in Explore, #443, December 30th, 2009.

The Bee-Wolf
baby wolf pictures
Image by ian boyd
What a day. I'd dropped Jerry off at a party in Newchurch and thought I'd just go for a short wander in the 'Field of Hope' plantation to look for the sandy arable weeds that come up there sometimes. But within a few minutes I'd stumbled into hymenopteran heaven, the place was teeming with stuff burrowing like mad in the dry hot sand. Two quite exciting things turned up, the lovely but rather rare bee Dasypoda altercator (see other pics) and loads of the awesomely impressive Bee-Wolf Philanthus triangulum, both nationally scarce and even red data book i think.
The bee-wolfs (bee-wolves?) were fantastic. I spent ages crawling about with my little point-and-shoot poised desperately trying to get a pic of one coming in to the burrow with a honey bee slung beneath, but I just wasn't quick enough. They must have been coming back to the patch I was watching (and they were all over the field) with a new bee every 10 minutes or so. The ground around the burrows was absolutely carpeted in honey bee debris and even whole bees seemingly discarded. I saw one crash into the ground with a really fat cargo and then just set off after another leaving the first catch dead or more likely paralysed (ready to be stashed as live meat for baby bee wolves) on the ground. In the picture top left you can see a Bee-Wolf furiously shovelling sand out behind it as it cleans out a collapsed burrow.
I finally remembered 2 hours later that i was supposed to be collecting someone from somewhere and had to run across the fields back to the party bursting in covered in sweat, sand, leaves and bits of dead bee. I don't think I made a terribly favourable impression on the grown-ups; but Jerry didn't seem to mind.

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