Jumat, 11 Januari 2013

Nice Baby Animals Pictures photos

Animal Farm: Sheep
baby animals pictures
Image by Yndra
Creative Commons- Free Pictures

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Baby Monkey in a Basket
baby animals pictures
Image by Mohd Khomaini Bin Mohd Sidik
A baby monkey.

My uncle has a baby monkey. Unfortunately, the mother to this monkey has passed away when giving birth to him. So, the responsibility of mother is passed to my uncle.
My uncle is the one giving milk, food, and the most important thing is the love of a mother. He is still a baby. Poor him to lose mother at this age. Interestingly, when my cousins make him scare, this little monkey pee and hide himself.Such adorable!
I thought only humans do that.LOL.

For the purpose of discussion, I will call the little cute monkey as "He".

This little monkey is really really cute. He is really really small.
He can easily easily fit in a basket on the motorcycle (I don't know the proper term for that). Yeah. He was on the that motorcycle's basket biting the basket in the above picture. It's really funny and cute!

I am really suprised to see the similarity of monkey and human. They do have similar hand, similar eyes, similar mouth, a little bit on the nose. Look at his eyes! There's so much similarity I guess. But sorry, I don't believe in Darwin's Theory of Evolution.

View On Black

A cute looking baby Red-handed Tamarin at Drusillas Park Zoo
baby animals pictures
Image by Aspex Design
Thanks for viewing my photos of animals I spotted at Drusillas Park Zoo! - Dean
Information about Dean Thorpe
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Baby Wasserschildchröt
baby animals pictures
Image by Ranger82

A baby Ring Tailed Lemur sitting between its mothers legs
baby animals pictures
Image by Aspex Design
This cute baby Ring Tailed Lemur was at Wingham Wildlife Park, sitting between its mothers legs. Wingham has a walk through Lemur enclose a bit like the one at Drusillas, I don't think its as good as the Drusillas one, but the Ring Tailed Lemurs were very friendly and one even jumped on my back. This was taken on a visit to Wingham Wildlife park for my daughters birthday.

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