Minggu, 31 Maret 2013

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020 copy
baby photo album
Image by Will V.

baby photo album
Image by Vanessa Pike-Russell
My cute Grandson (by marriage) is 2 in June and I'm working on a photo album of photos I have taken of him.

More photos on my website



Baby mags
baby photo album
Image by gwen
Radially blurred to mimic the lensbaby effect. [more unnecessary Photoshopping]

baby sarah in a box
baby photo album
Image by me and the sysop
sarah has a photo album and scrapbook in process. i found this lying around.

baby sarah as bugs bunny
baby photo album
Image by me and the sysop
sarah used to have the prettiest curly hair.

sarah has a photo album and scrapbook in process. i found this lying around.

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Cool Baby Boy Photo images

IMG_8503 copy
baby boy photo
Image by vgm8383

baby boy photo
Image by vgm8383

baby boy photo
Image by vgm8383

baby boy photo
Image by vgm8383

baby boy photo
Image by vgm8383

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Nice Baby Photos Ideas photos

Project 52 : Week 3 : Léa
baby photos ideas
Image by Fiicus
This is the 2 day old daughter of my cousin and his wife. The first of her generation. She's suddenly making me feel older … (Okay, I had a wedding and a house-buying to make me to the idea, but still). I love her black punky hair and the funny faces she was making all along our visit at the hospital. A great congrats to both parents, and particularly to the mother who seems to be pretty at ease for a first, freshly born baby !

On the blog : blog.fiicus.be/2011/09/project-52-photo-3-lea/

How did I ever get stuck with *two* kids?
baby photos ideas
Image by Ed Yourdon
Note: this photo was published in an Oct 8, 2010 OutOfShape-dot-Net blog, with the same title as the caption that I used on this Flickr page. It was also published in a Jan 17, 2011 blog titled "Business security surveillance cameras. Where can I sell them fast?" And it was published in a Feb 27, 2011 blog titled "Pet Carriers And Travel Accessories." It was also published in a Mar 4, 2011 blog titled "Travel Tips For Pet Travel," as well as an Apr 28, 2011 "Pet Backpack" blog titled "Seven Smart Ways to Treat and Spoil Your Dog." And it was published in a May 10, 2011 blog titled "Photos from Bunchland." And it was published in a Jun 6, 2011 blog titled "Best Baby Strollers - Reviews Jogging Strollers, Umbrella Strollers and More!" It was also published in a Sep 9, 2011 Pet Care Home blog, with the same caption and detailed notes that I had written on this Flickr page.

Moving into 2012, the photo was published in a Jan 14, 2012 PetPouch blog titled "Q&A: does anyone have those white glasses on superpoke pets?" It was also published in a Jan 30, 2012 blog titled "Cool How Do I Find Blogs Images?" And it was published in an Apr 12, 2012 blog titled "Transport Pet in a Car Unattended?" It was also published in a May 14, 2012 blog titled "Baby Brain: Why can't everything be a drive-thru?"


Because Central Park occupies a massive 843 acres in the (duh!) center of Manhattan, it's no surprise that there area numerous entrances and exits all around the perimeter of the park. Some of them are quite well known -- such as the entrance on the southeast corner, at Fifth Avenue and 59th Street (across the street from the GM Building and the old Plaza Hotel), or the entrance at the western side of the 72nd Street "transverse" that cuts through the park and comes out on Fifth Avenue (well known because the statuesque Dakota apartment building, where John Lennon once lived, is located at Central Park West and 72nd Street).

Based on where they live, and based on their normal work and leisure routines, most New Yorkers tend to favor certain entrances and exits, and may never have used (or even seen) certain other ones. In my case, for example, I've always been aware that there's an entrance at the southwestern corner of the park, right at Columbus Circle. It's officially known as Merchant's Gate -- and it's hard to miss, because there's an enormous monument commemorating the explosion/sinking of the Maine in February 1898, which precipitated the Spanish-American War. But since I don't live, work, or travel to that particular corner of Manhattan very often, I've almost never used that entrance to the park. By "almost never," I mean only once or twice in the 40+ years that I've lived in New York City.

I don't think that this almost-perfect record of non-use of a park entrance has had any negative effect on my life ... but it occurred to me, the other day, that I might have missed some interesting photographic opportunities. And since I was getting a little bored by returning to the same old places to photograph the same old scenes in other parts of the city, over and over again, I decided that the southwestern corner of Central Park was worth taking a look at.

As you might imagine, the massive Maine monument dominates the scene -- and I felt obliged to photograph it once or twice, just to acknowledge its existence. But after that ... well, it turns out that it's not really all that photogenic, and nobody was paying much attention to it. Aside from the monument, there was an open mini-plaza where people could walk, chat, sit, and relax -- presumably on the way into, or the way out of, the park itself. There were a couple of food stands, offering items that looked slightly more nourishing and tasty than the stuff available from the usual hot-dog stands that one finds throughout the park (and almost every street corner). I wasn't hungry myself, but I noticed that several people bought a snack, or a sandwich, and then found a convenient spot to sit and relax while they munched and nibbled.

So, in the end, the photographic opportunities turned out to be pretty much the same as always: it was the people who were the most interesting -- not the statues or the squirrels or the trees or the flowers. There were tourists, and New Yorkers on their lunch break, and students from a local parochial school, and office workers on their lunch break. There was a Statue of Liberty mime, a few retired people, some bicyclists, joggers, and athletes. There were nannies pushing babies in strollers, and mothers carrying babies in snugglies and backpacks, and dog-walkers with their pets. There were crazy-looking people, and beautiful people, and ugly people.

And there were lots, and lots, and lots of guys hustling unwary tourists, offering them rides and tours through the park in their brightly-colored pedicabs. Perhaps because I was wielding a camera, I was mistaken by several of these guys as a tourist; when I responded to their pitch about a park ride by saying, "I live here," they gave me a disgusted look and quickly moved away. Meanwhile, several other vendors had tables with photos and trinkets and bawdy signs that they did their best to sell to anyone who walked by. All of this, as best I could tell, was dutifully recorded by a NYC Police Dept. security camera, which sat high above it all ... but nobody seemed to even notice it.

I took some 300+ photos to document all of this, and winnowed it down to 50 "keepers" that will hopefully give you a reasonably good impression of what the scene looked like. Having done so, I hopped in a taxi and headed back uptown. For all I know, it may be another 40 years before I enter this corner of the park again...

Baby's Black Balloon
baby photos ideas
Image by ashley.adcox
Baby's black balloon makes her fly
I almost fell into that hole in your life

And you're not thinking about tomorrow
'Cause you were the same as me
But on your knees

A thousand other boys could never reach you
How could I have been the one
I saw the world spin beneath you
And scatter like ice from the spoon
That was your womb

Comin' down the world turned over
And angels fall without you there
And I go on as you get colder
Or are you someone's prayer

You know the lies they always told you
And the love you never knew
What's the things they never showed you
That swallowed the light from the sun
Inside your room

Comin' down the world turned over
And angels fall without you there
And I go on as you get colder
Or are you someone's prayer

And there's no time left for losin'
When you stand they fall

Comin' down the world turned over
And angels fall without you there
And I go on as you get colder

All because I'm
Comin' down the years turn over
And angels fall without you there
And I'll go and lead you home and
All because I'm
All because I'm
And I'll become
What you became to me

-Goo Goo Dolls: Black Balloon

balloon girl: xcassiex24.deviantart.com/art/Balloon-People-Brushes-8644...
buildings: I have no idea where I found these- they're pretty old. my apologies.

yes...this & Watch The World have the same backgrounds...while I was doing Watch The World I was listening to my iTunes on shuffle and Goo Goo Dolls' "Black Balloon" came on and I thought of doing this...so I was lazy and just kept the background haha.

I never do anything other than photo editing in Photoshop...I thought I'd try to change that. This is ridiculously simplistic & kind of crappy...but it's a start, I suppose.

I really want to get a tablet at some point- I got in a drawing phase about a year ago, so I'd really like to do some stuff with it in Adobe and not have to rely on finding brushes online...I don't really feel like something is "mine" when it's mostly made up of brushes, you know?

GALA Magazine (March 1957) Barbara Nichols - Sirens of the Sands ...GET IN TOUCH WITH YOUR TWO SIDES (June 10, 2011 / 8 Sivan 5771) ...item 2.. "YOU GOT IT" - Official Video - Roy Orbison ...
baby photos ideas
Image by marsmet541
GETTING STARTED...Think of someone you'd be fascinated to meet, someone you'd really like to find out what makes him tick. Now realize the most fascinating person you could ever meet is ... yourself.

........***** All images are copyrighted by their respective authors ........

.....item 1).... aish.com ... www.aish.com/sp ...


Way #4: Introduce Yourself to Yourself


img code photo ... 4 ways Introduce Yourself to Yourself



Don't go through life making assumptions about who you are.

Take the time now to "meet" yourself - before a crisis comes along and forces the issue.

June 10, 2011 / 8 Sivan 5771

by Rabbi Noah Weinberg


Did you ever get on a train going somewhere, only to find that you're headed in the wrong direction?

The same thing happens in life. We set goals and make plans – and sometimes discover that we're on "the wrong train."

Bi-vinat ha-lave literally means "understanding the heart." The heart is the seat of emotions. We say: "My heart is heavy, my heart is lifted, my heart is broken," etc. To understand your heart is to understand your true inner self.

Many people go through life making assumptions about who they are. They never take time to "meet" themselves. Don't be afraid of discovering that the "real you" may be different than the "current you."

Often a crisis hits at midlife when people ask: "What's my life about? Is this all worth it?" We've heard stories of people who suddenly change direction, quitting their job and getting divorced. You know, like the successful doctor who decides he never wanted to go into medicine in the first place -- so he drops it and becomes an artist.

Knowing yourself is the essence of being alive. If you don't know yourself, you are not living. If you don't know what makes you tick, you're a robot, a puppet, a zombie.

So don't wait for a crisis. Life is too short to take wrong trains.


Think of someone you'd be fascinated to meet, someone you'd really like to find out what makes him tick.

Now realize the most fascinating person you could ever meet is ... yourself.

Sit down, say hello, and introduce yourself to yourself. Become familiar with yourself as if you'd just met a long-lost cousin. Interview yourself. Ask questions about your life and the direction you're going. Search out your dreams -- both the ones you're fulfilling and the ones you've pushed to the back of your mind.

Get down to basics. You want to be rich. You want to be famous. You want to be good. You want to accomplish. You want meaning. You want to be creative. But why do you want all this? What's driving you? What you really want out of life?

The process of self-discovery involves asking a series of questions, always probing deeper until the underlying truth emerges. Ask yourself 10 questions that you would ask an intimate friend. Then wait for answers. Don't worry, no one is going to poke fun at you.

What is the purpose of life?
What is my goal in life?
Why did I choose this career?
How do I spend my spare time?
What is my motivation for doing what I do?
What really makes me happy?
Am I as happy as I want to be?
Is it more important to be rich or to be happy?
What are my future plans? Why?
What are my secret dreams and ambitions?

Don't be surprised if the answers aren't immediate. This process can take many months. Stick with it and find out what makes you tick. The answers are hiding in there. After all, you have a fascinating partner.

Finally, the most important question to ask is:

"What am I living for?"

It sounds like a simple question, but many are embarrassed to ask it. A voice inside us says, "Nah, why ask such a basic question?" We're resistant because we know this requires a lot of difficult soul-searching. And when you thoroughly know yourself, then you have changed. You've changed your relationship with yourself and the world.


People often avoid making decisions out of fear of making a mistake.

Actually, the failure to make decisions is one of life's biggest mistakes.

Imagine the beggar who receives a letter saying that he's inherited a million dollars. If he doesn't read the letter, is he rich ... or not?

Similarly, God gave us the free will to make choices in life and achieve greatness. But if we're not aware of our free will, then we don't really have it. And then we wind up blaming others when things go wrong -- even though we know the decision is really up to us.

If you're not using your potential, it wears away at your confidence. Do you know what your potential is? Have you tried to use it? You have to tackle life. You haven't given up yet, have you? Let's get on with the game, with the business of really living, of not just "going through the motions."

Know the difference between "making decisions" and just floating, falling into place. Did you choose to go to college? Or perhaps you had nothing to do with the decision. Was it something you just did because you graduated high school and everybody else was doing it? Did you think it through and actually make a decision?

Imagine this private conversation of a college student:

Why am I going to college?
To get a degree.
Because I want to get into a good graduate school.
So I'll get a good job.
So I can pay back my college loans!

Through the process of questioning, he reveals a logical fault in his motivation. Really, the primary reason for going to college should be to acquire wisdom, knowledge and information. In other words, to get an education!

Now try the process yourself, using this example:

Why do I want to get married?

Don't accept pat answers. Keep asking "Why, why why?" Be frank. It's yourself. Ask any question you like.

Be patient and persistent. Eventually you'll get an answer.

When you thoroughly analyze an issue, then you can make wise decisions with confidence.

Identify where you lack confidence. What makes you nervous? What situations inhibit you from being yourself? Why can't you make decisions? Is it that you don't know how to make decisions? Or that you doubt your decisions after they're made? Or you just don't feel like making decisions?

Enjoy making decisions. Deal with the world you live in. That's loving the dynamics of life.


Anytime you find it difficult to achieve a goal, figure out what's holding you back.

Everyone has problems. Being aware of these problems is the key to getting in touch with yourself.

Because as long as you don't face problems, they fester and bug you from behind.

Write your "blocks" on a piece of paper. That's a good step in the right direction. By isolating specific obstacles, you turn them into concrete challenges that require solutions.

Ask yourself:

Am I lazy? Why?
Am I disorganized? Why?
Do I get angry? When?
Why do ever I get defensive? About what?
What makes me jealous?
What makes me arrogant?
Do I have trouble making decisions? Why?
Do I lack self-discipline?
Do I lack self-confidence?
Why don't I take more initiative?

Negative character traits are the roots of our problems. Make a list of your negative traits, and identify when they affect you the most. Then analyze what triggers these reactions in you. Finally, formulate an effective counter-approach.

Working through this takes time. But do you have anything better to be doing right now?


Get in touch with your emotional state. Take a reading of how you feel. Happy? Angry? Tense? Sad?

Emotions are a measuring stick for what's going on below the surface. It's like taking your temperature. If you're sick, you need to be aware so you can fix the problem.

Find out why you're upset. Who or what is pressuring you? Is it an internal or an external problem? Identify it.

Let's say you are irritated. Why?

Because the boss chewed me out.
So why am I irritated?
Because I resent him.
So what? Why does that bother me?
Because I feel I am no good.
I'm no good? He's nuts!

Get out of yourself and track it down. If you don't, it's just irritation. And the next thing you know, you'll go home and yell at your kids.

Once you've identified what causes negative feelings, adjust yourself to minimize the impact. Either avoid these situations, or prepare yourself to handle them when they arise.

Further, root out negative motivations that corrupt your behavior. Let's say that you give charity. Why? One motivation is to help humanity. Another is the pleasure of being constructive. A third is the desire to do the right thing. These are all positive motivations. A negative motivation for giving charity is: "I want people to admire me." That's corruptive.

The next time you give charity, do so anonymously. Eliminate the wrong reasons. They are destructive.

The same goes with the positive emotions. Be aware of how your emotional state affects decisions. For example, don't buy a new stereo when you're in a euphoric mood. Wait. Think it over. You are susceptible.

Pinpoint what makes you happy. You can have more joy on a daily basis by formulating some practical applications. You got up in the morning, it's a gorgeous day and you feet great. You're energized. Now take that feeling and teach yourself how to get up on the right side -- every day!

Another example: You did a good job and got the boss's compliment. Now focus: Do you need the boss to tell you did a good job? No! Create your own pleasure out of doing a good job.


Everyone has an urge for greatness. We want self respect, power, fame. We want to accomplish, to be strong, to do the right thing, to even save the world.

Yet at the same time, we have a counter-urge to run away from responsibility, to get into bed and crawl under the covers.

Someone may say, "Life is beautiful," but he doesn't feel it. His emotions hold him back and he walks around going, "Ugh, life is a burden."

Recognize the volcano of conflict within you: What you truly "want," versus what you "feel" like. This is the conflict between body and soul.

Once you appreciate the dichotomy, you can identify at any moment whether your body or soul is talking. This makes it possible to live with sanity and choose the right thing.

The next step is to make peace between your two sides. The easiest way is to squash your drive to be great. But life is not about taking the easy way out. Just because you feel uncomfortable about an idea doesn't mean it's wrong for you. It's hard to break habits, and growth can be frightening.

For example, would you rather be happy or rich? Okay, you'd rather be happy.

Now imagine this exchange:

"Come on, I'll teach you how to be happy. All it requires is effort and change."
"Oh, I'd love to, but I can't right now. It's impossible. I've got a flight to catch."
"Really? I'll pay you ,000 a week to work on happiness."
"Sure! Where do I sign up?"
"Oh, but I thought you can't right now..."

We conceal our problems with rationalization: "I'll wreck my mind thinking about what life is about! Nobody really knows what life is about. It's not going to work. Nothing can be done about it anyway. I don't really care. It's not worth the time!"

The Sages say that a person only makes a mistake when overcome by a moment of insanity. So realize that you are fighting "insanity." It is not logical. You've got to be on guard. Because if you get off track, you'll pay for it down the road.

So ... do you want to change? What have you got against it? Feel the antipathy of the body. We are so darn lazy. The body just wants to sleep. "Aaaah ... I don't want to change. I'm happy enough. I'm comfortable in my niche of misery." Are you rich enough? No! So are you happy enough?

You see the importance of tracking that down? You have to identify the animal you are fighting. "The dread of change."

If you're alert, you see the enemy. You can fight it. You may lose a struggle with the body, but at least you have your confidence. "I know what I am doing."


Get in touch with your spiritual core. Know what is driving you. Don't let free will be a subconscious thing. You want greatness. But the body says that's too much effort.

To try to convince the body, try to identify the tangible benefit. "Why is it necessary? What will it do for me?" You have to bring it home to emotional realization. "What do I lose?" What do I gain?" Only then will the idea have power. And you'll get out there and do it.

Here's the secret formula: Identify with your intellect, and coax your heart along. For example, if you're emotionally convinced of the benefit of getting into shape, then even when you break out in a cold sweat and your heart is doing palpitations, you will keep going. Because you have decided, "I want this," you know it is important.

To avoid negative backlash, your emotions have to feel comfortable with the changes you make. Learn to relax and reassure the body. Cajole the body and say, "It won't be so bad. Remember the last time you made an effort, how great you felt!" Be encouraging and reward yourself for success.
Don't say it doesn't work. You haven't made the effort. Don't give up on your intuition and perception. Just realize you haven't yet brought it home to actualization.

Consider how the basic human drives affect you: security, self-respect, honor, passions, social pressure, and possessions. Pay particularly close attention to how you accept responsibility. Let's say that you made a mistake. You want to apologize in a full and forthright manner. Yet you feel like forgetting the whole thing, hiding, running away and saying "it's not my fault."

This is the volcano. We want to be tough, dedicated and powerful -- yet we feel like being marshmallows. Choosing the path of the soul doesn't come naturally. It takes a lot of time and hard work.


Don't think that just because you understand something, you are living with it. It is possible to believe one way, and yet act another. It happens to us all the time. You can believe it's important to eat healthy food, yet gorge yourself on French fries and chocolate cake.

Our actions are determined by our level of clarity. If we understand an idea on just a superficial level, then we'll have difficulty sticking to it when the going gets tough.

Next time you go to a funeral, watch carefully. When they remove the body from the chapel, the mourners start to cry. Are they crying because they want to body to stay there?! No. All of a sudden there is a realization of death, that he won't be coming back. At the cemetery, they lower the casket into the ground and the mourners cry again. It's the emotional realization that death is final now.

Until you align your feelings with reality, you are in dreamland. Growth begins in the mind, but your heart has to buy into everything your mind discovers. Only then will you integrate these ideas into day-to-day life.
A lot of people believe in God. There are very few people who live with God. Does that make sense? You have to assimilate something that you've accepted as true. It has to become part of you.


You've got to know yourself cold, just like you know your hand has five fingers. How do you know you are on the right path? How do you know you're not making a mistake right now?

To develop this clarity, articulate the important principles that guide your life. For example, in Judaism we say that love is an obligation. Is this reasonable? Work the issue through with yourself:

"Ridiculous. You can't obligate me to love."
"But if I have children, will I love them?"
"Of course I'm going to love my kids!"
"How do I know? I don't know what kind of kids I'm going to have. Maybe they'll be brats and I won't love them."
"I will. I'm obligated to love my children."

Do you see the contradiction? On an intuitive level, you know that love is an obligation. But the concept is not so clear that you can articulate it.

Take your time. Sort out the basic aspects of living. Ask yourself important questions about life's global and spiritual issues.

-- What is the meaning of existence?
-- What's good about living?
-- How do I feel about humanity?
-- What is the afterlife?
-- How do I understand good versus evil?
-- Do I have free will? How do I activate it?
-- What makes me sad? Is it okay to be sad?
-- How do I feel about God?
-- Am I proud to be a Jew?
-- How do I understand the Holocaust?

Some of these topics may be unpleasant to think about. If so, why is it unpleasant? Track it down.
Don't just use slogans to parrot things that you heard. Know why you are doing what you are doing. Otherwise, it's just society talking. You may have adopted part of society without analyzing its validity. Check it out.

Work through all the issues until you have "five-finger clarity." A human being who knows what he wants will get there. By hook or by crook. It's like a homing mechanism on a missile. If you program it right, you will get there.


You can know truth if you look honestly into yourself.
Emotions are powerful forces of greatness. Know them. Harness them.
Identify your problems. It's the beginning of solving them.
If you don't get it straight now, you're bound to make some bad mistakes.
Don't be afraid of finding out who you really are.
Use your free will as a conscious tool for better living.
If you're angry or upset, track it down. What's the root?
If you're acting illogically, at least acknowledge that to yourself!
The key to sanity is letting truth into the body.
You can't afford to wait too long to get to know yourself. Because you are the most fascinating person you'll ever meet.
.....item 2).... youtube video ... "YOU GOT IT" - Official Video - Roy Orbison ... 3:35 minutes ...


Uploaded by RoyOrbison on Apr 11, 2011

YOU GOT IT by the great Roy Orbison! From Orbison's multi-platinum album "Mystery Girl" (Available on iTunes! itunes.apple.com/us/artist/roy-orbison/id198798?uo=4), You Got It was written by Roy Orbison, Jeff Lynne and Tom Petty. Recorded in 1988.

Roy began his career at Sun Records with Elvis, Carl Perkins, Johnny Cash and Jerry Lee Lewis in the 1950's. Becoming the biggest selling artist of the early 1960's with a string of hits like "Oh Pretty Woman", "Mean Woman Blues", "Love Hurts", "Only The Lonely" Crying", "Running Scared", "In Dreams", " It's Over", "Blue Angel", "Blue Bayou", and many more. Orbison single-handedly brought us the fashion of sunglasses, popularizing them for the masses.

He suffered many tragedies in the late 1960's and in the 1970's retired and was ripped off by numerous music business companies and managers. When he decided to record again, it was one of the most anticipated comebacks in music history. Orbison smashed his way to the top of the modern music charts with "You Got It", "California Blue", She's a Mystery", and "A Love So Beautiful" and "I Drove All Night".

The movie "Pretty Woman" became the biggest selling soundtrack to date. More music business lawsuits and record company embargoes pulled Orbison off the radio, off TV, and out of the record stores in the 1990's, but in recent years he has been slowly rising to his proper place at the top thanks to kids and teenagers who have recently rediscovered him.

Called both "The True King" and "Rock & Roll's Man in Black", Roy Orbison in his day was called "The Big O"! Anything You Want...

For more information about Roy "The Soul of Rock and Roll" Orbison, please visit www.RoyOrbison.com


Standard YouTube License

...lyrics ... Roy Orbison - You Got It

Every time I look into your lovely eyes,
I see a love that money just cant buy.
One look from you, I drift away.
I pray that you are here to stay.

Anything you want, you got it.
Anything you need, you got it.
Anything at all, you got it.

Every time I hold you I begin to understand,
Everything about you tells me Im your man.
I live my life to be with you.
No one can do the things you do.
Anything you want, you got it.
Anything you need, you got it.
Anything at all, you got it.
Anything you want
Anything you need
Anything at all

Im glad to give my love to you.
I know you feel the way I do.
Anything you want, you got it.
Anything you need, you got it.
Anything at all, you got it.
Anything you want, you got it
Anything you need, you got it
Anything at all, you got it
Anything at all
You got it


Baby owl with mouse in mouth. Taken on April 14 at 3:37:46 I had no idea he had a mouse in his mouth when I took the photo
baby photos ideas
Image by virgohobbs

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Sabtu, 30 Maret 2013

And some books

And some books
baby photo frames
Image by BenSpark
In another corner there are books and stuffed animals from Company picnics.

Right of the Corner
baby photo frames
Image by BenSpark
Now we get into my car garages. Notice that there are only two bays for my actual paperwork. I love an electronic world.

The Garage
baby photo frames
Image by BenSpark
Yep all the cars have their own spots on the risers.

And then there were the pez
baby photo frames
Image by BenSpark
I have a bunch of pez dispensers for some reason.

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Jumat, 29 Maret 2013

Bloodthirsty killers.

Bloodthirsty killers.
baby puppy pictures
Image by This Year's Love
Five months ago. I honestly thought he wasn't going to get that much bigger! And I was seriously WRONG.

I applied to adopt a Bedlington Terrier from the shelter where I take photos to put up on petfinder.com.
On the application, as with any shelter application I'm sure, they ask what pets you currently own. I've brought both of my dogs into the shelter, Israel for a microchip, both for Easter pictures, I talk about Judah all the time. I don't lie and say Israel's a "mix" since it's obvious that he's NOT. Judah is a total mutt but she's also the sweetest thing to walk the earth (unless you're trying to clip her nails.)
Judah loves kids, strangers, and all dogs and cats, too.
Israel isn't even that bad with strange dogs. We can go into PetsMart with little drama. At least nothing that he starts. He's not chomping at the bit to kill other dogs or even acknowledge them. He's awesome with kids--he lays down on his belly and doesn't jump all over them. The worst he does is try to kiss them.
Anyway....Judah I listed as a Rott/Lab mix, because that's what the vet assumed she was when she was 6 weeks old. She sort of looks like a Rott but there's so much else in her. And she's not aggressive--and I don't believe Rottweilers are, either! They CAN be...but so can any dog. You know what I mean.
So I get a call today from the shelter. I've never talked to the woman before and this is now the second dog I applied for. The first was Lunch Box in December and I never heard a word about it, she got adopted, and I was miffed.
She says there's no way I could adopt the smaller dog because of the dogs I have, "bully" breeds, and even though I have a cat (I listed her, too) I wouldn't be allowed to even adopt a cat from them either because of my dogs.
I was insulted but I was polite. I said, "All right..." and she paused and I thought she had something else to add but she didn't and muttered, "Okaybye." and hung up before I could say goodbye. !?!!?

The idea that Judah would ever harm another animal is laughable and it's supremely insulting for someone else to assume so because I wrote down "Rott/Lab mix" on the form, having never met her. Why would I even bother trying to adopt a smaller dog if I wasn't confident that my dogs would handle it???
I still feel like calling back and giving them a piece of my mind, and adding that they should be equally as discriminating when adopting him out since though he looks like a lamb, he's still a terrier and they used to fight his breed, just like my dreaded bloodthirsty pit bull.

Somehow my family (and my cat) have survived so far with these vicious dogs in the house. Hopefully we'll make it through the night! You never know...Israel might go for my jugular tonight as I sleep. Or Judah might start to eat my leg while she's at the end of the bed. I should really watch my back. ::rolls eyes::

We all know how much I love my dogs. I don't make excuses for them because I really never have to as far as their behaviour (sometimes Israel is the exception) but Judah honestly is that well-behaved and stable. I have said time and again that I would trust her alone with my newborn. She was left alone with a 1 pound chihuahua puppy and Judah was more afraid than the puppy. Even Israel got on so well with the chi, stretched out on his belly, wagging his tail as she bit his nose. The only reason I wouldn't leave them alone together is because he could easily crush her if he stepped on her--and Israel has no concept of his size or strength yet.

I guess it's for the better. I'm closing on my house on Friday, I'll be moving in soon enough, and I want to adopt a greyhound. I emailed the organization I've been looking at to ask if they have a policy against adopting out to households with certain breeds. It never really occurred to me...
I guess I was being naive.

My favourites (september n°1)
baby puppy pictures
Image by cjnzja
1. ...e isso é só o começo!!!, 2. reading, 3. Suddenly things seem crystal clear to me ..., 4. Yay!, 5. Incarnation of Innocence, 6. Backyard Beauty, 7. Bulutların Savaşı, 8. Lisserbroek Early, 9. Pure RED......., 10. Seeing Double!, 11. Doggy_02, 12. Two Harbors Sunrise June 17 2007 33, 13. Si vocifera che Babo abbia una relazione con Hello Kitty, fidanzata ufficiale di Ox, 14. Ocean Reflection, 15. Em has no ears, 16. Vintage Baby Animals, 17. Essi vivono sotto la mensola, 18. My fluffy friend, 19. Miniaturized book charms, 20. Cheeky, 21. Work in progress, 22. Wheat fields of Idaho, 23. Mystery Clouds, 24. Baxter and his puppy, 25. Cowboy Guinea, 26. c'è clero e clero evidentemente, 27. Bucho Smile, 28. My Care Bears pendants, 29. Autumn leaves, 30. Ocean Size Love, 31. questo, per me, è l'immenso......., 32. Water Wakes, 33. Eveningmood, 34. Pistacchione! (no, that's not a melon-pan, my dear japanese friends^_^), 35. Hamster Tail #2 *Niko*, 36. ☙ ❧ ....... sHeeR ...... ❧ ☙

Created with fd's Flickr Toys.

Gloves Are A Photographer's Best Friend.
baby puppy pictures
Image by Rares M. Dutu
For anyone who wants to read more into my personal life and what's around me, I'll now mostly try to stick to using Tumblr. I just started so it's nothing big yet. However, just like Flickr, it'll get there; eventually.


Alright, this one deserves a little information.

Evidently, this was taken by water - a lake in this case. Let's call this lake Lake Michigan. It was taken in the lovely town of Evanston where the wind blows right at you and where carrying a tripod leads your fingers to numb if you don't have gloves. Thus, I had two thoughts rush into my head.

1. Why not make tripods rubberized? Sounds fair enough, right? With the utterly horrible build quality of today's plastics and "metals" from our friendly neighbors thousands of miles away in China, it occured to me that having a rubbery tripod (LEGS at the least) would not make it become as cold. Only one problem; it'd suck at lasting.

SO. What's the second thing?
Well. Wear Gloves. Yeah, who would of thought. Gloves. Makes shooting a lot more fun. Not fun holding a remote outside, taking a picture, and placing numb fingers in your pockets.

But here's the thing. You obviously see the pieces of ice (they're blurry because the water obviously moved them during the exposure) but what you don't see is what I'm standing on.

Look to your right. See that giant iceberg looking cliff? Well, it'd be nice to be safe and secure to that one, but unfortunately for me, this one was attatched to the mainland by little means. (Meaning if you were to go there tomorrow, this picture wouldn't be possible unless you use some 70-200mm lens)

Writing about photos isn't all that interesting to me. It's better if you were there. It's not quiet, but it's peaceful (If you like the sound of water below you constantly reminding you that the ice you're standing on is melting and you might be floating out)

Now that'd be an adventure ;)

For the picture below this, look forward. See the last piece of ice that you could possibly stand on? That's where it was taken from.

Enjoy :)

Hey... espera! - Hey... wait!
baby puppy pictures
Image by morganawolf
Mi "niña" KARA con unos 3 meses de edad - Enero 2006
Hey espera... no me gusta que me tomes fotos!

My "baby" KARA, about 3 months old - January 2006
Hey wait! i dont like you to take me pictures!

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Justin Bieber vs. Brahms

Justin Bieber vs. Brahms
justin bieber baby pictures
Image by Alejandro Amador
youtu.be/kffacxfA7G4 vs. youtu.be/3X9LvC9WkkQ

Baby Baby Baby
justin bieber baby pictures
Image by kundl

Jiley Manip
justin bieber baby pictures
Image by Happlesful
Okay.....I am SUPER proud of this :D I edited miley's dress to red. I thought about doing purple....but she looks daring in red :] Justin.....well his skin is a lot...brighter and tannish...kinda. The Miley picture is originally from The Last Song premiere and the Justin pic is from the Vanity Fair Oscar Party [: And yeah. I think its mellow and coool....like a hippie! So thats it! Comment! Favorite! Whatever you flickr peoples wanna do :] If you take, say thanks and credit :3

four one
justin bieber baby pictures
Image by marisatbee
hey cleveland! i missed you! today I left atlanta to come back to dreary old cleveland, it actually wasn't that dreary, it was sunny! we flew home on the same plane but i sat alone. so i had a me party! ;) the song that has been in constant replay is up by j biebs (justin bieber). this picture is one of my many song conversations i have, this one is with claire to dark blue by jack's mannequin. i had a great time in atlanta but i'm so happy to be home!
quote: that we can't go nowhere but up, from here, my dear. baby, we can go nowhere but up. tell me what we've got to fear. -justin bieber

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Kamis, 28 Maret 2013

someone's been looking in old boxes!

someone's been looking in old boxes!
baby poses for pictures
Image by candrews
and found an old tee of mine...

i asked for a picture before i made her take it off.

i'm not a meanie, she changed into an equally as old Jesus Lizard shirt. it's just that this shirt was special. and it puts new meaning to the word threadbare.

we are hoping to get out of the house next week, we are both a little stir crazy. but we have been having photoshop classes everyday and i've learned more about manga and anime than i ever wanted to know! ha!

oh the pose? it's her line up pose, i like how serious she is trying to look.

sky day 215
baby poses for pictures
Image by maureen_sill
remember, self
you are capable of being a good person
you are capable of being a good person
you are also capable of being a person who is not always good
so watch it, self

a lot of my favorite people seem to spend a lot of time feeling as if they are very stupid
i have been told that i look like a cartoon character
sometimes i think that when i look at someone's neck it means almost the same thing to me as if i were trusted to see them naked
as if it were as personal a thing to me

an inner monologue that is twenty three pages long
made it's way into my journal two days ago and since then i have worked 20 hours
i am glad that i was able to get it out before i numbed my braincells for seven dollars an hour

on a bike ride today i felt that satisfying burn in my legs, when you pedal fast
when i was racing to the field to try to get there before the sun had actually set
route 83, you are the only place i can really be alone
the couple of times i went without a camera
are oddly the most memorable

i have been thinking a lot about what kate said on the phone about
how things and circumstances are forever changed because of the fact of the existence of the camera, forever changing what happened, forever changing what actually happened
i think about her standing next to the berlin wall in a beautiful city with a lot of people standing around, everyone posing for a picture
i imagine japanese tourists holding maps, tiny pink digital cameras
their bodies probably in coats, their little arms probably holding their backpacks or purses
i imagined her standing there with others
probably not knowing whether or not they should smile
because of what the berlin wall used to mean, obviously
and it didn't make sense to her
and she is right, it doesn't make much sense
and then i think about the pictures my parents took of me when i was a baby
before i knew what a picture was and before i knew what it meant to want to try to take pictures of something because you loved it, you loved it in an obnoxious or a whispering way, either way it was something you felt
was worth documenting or attributing to your image, if you're the sort

or wanting to take pictures of something because you wanted to understand it
i want to understand things more than i want anything else
which explains my fascination with the "cruelty of abstraction"
and the fact that it is impossible to understand anything
and then
i looked at pictures of myself as a baby, sitting in the dirt, my hands in the dirt
naked in the dirt
that photo was brown, and whatever color my skin is, and bright orange, my hair against the dirt
and the blue sky
my legs are buried in the dirt
and then i looked at the photograph which i have taped next to my bed of my dead grandfather at dachau concentration camp, he is holding a folder with some papers in it, i assume
it is one of six photos i have ever seen of him
and i know photos are fake and they are not real and they don't help me understand things as much as i'd like to think that they do but then when i look at the picture of him standing in front of the gates to that place where his friends and two members of his family were murdered (according to my grandmother, who is perhaps not always as much of a reliable resource as i would hope, but for the sake of something, i will try to believe her) and so
i look at that picture and i don't know
because of it i know what his face looked like and i know a little about what was important to him or how he decided to cope with things that were probably hard for him
because of the fact that he actually went to this place
where people he cared about were murdered
and i feel like i could maybe try to understand why he did that
and why he went alone
and why he took a camera
and i will never know if i am like him or not
but when i look at that picture i feel like i might be like him
i never met him and i never will meet him because of what he did to himself
but looking at that photo makes me miss him

Smile Jäger!
baby poses for pictures
Image by TangoPango
While I bathed Jäger in an attempt to soothe an itchy bumpy rash on his back, we took a moment to pose for a picture.

Andrea used to get a bath in my mom's kitchen sink. I decided that this baby of mine could also get a bath in the sink.

He was 16-weeks old on Thursay the 29th. When I took him to the vet today, because of the rash, he weighed a whopping 64-1/2 pounds! Mike had weighed him about a month ago. He's gained about 20-pounds this month!
Better him than me!

baby poses for pictures
Image by Federal Land
After Halifax's film co-op commissioned Helen to make a film, she needed to send them the receipts from her production. However, the baby got his hands on them, tore them up, and I believe even took a bite out of some of the receipts. Helen posed for this picture (alongside the cute culprit) to demonstrate the state of her financial records.

P.S. more articles about Helen are now here:

Colstrip, MT, 45 Years Ago, First Teaching Job
baby poses for pictures
Image by Welfl
Colstrip High School, Colstrip, Montana, Early 1965

Ivan Welfl (English I, Librarian & PE) poses for a picture in the library. This was his first teaching job, for which he had been hired in January 1965, to fill a temporary vacancy. He had graduated from Southern State College in Springfield, SD, in December 1964.

This job lasted only one semester because he was filling in for a teacher who had to take a leave of absence, possibly to have a baby.

[Photo scanned from the 1965 Colstrip High School "Coaldust" Annual]

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twin baby pictures
Image by ttstam
I'm not happy with these pictures at all. The lens that Glazers rented me is really worn - the camera wobbles like a loose baby tooth about to come out when mounted to it. At 400-800mm, in the super telephoto territory, EVERY little slight wiggle will toss out the image quality. As such, a lot of these pictures are softer than I'd like them to be. (The record high tempeartures also doesn't help...)

Lambing & Daffodils at Kentwell Hall 28-03-2004
twin baby pictures
Image by Karen Roe
Kentwell - a very different experience: a romantic, completely moated, mellow redbrick Tudor mansion in a tranquil parkland setting - but so much more.

A 30+ years Restoration Project
In 1970 Kentwell stood neglected. No-one was prepared to take it on - except Patrick Phillips. He fell for this wonderful House in its magical setting and was not deterred by its condition. Ever since then he has, with his wife and family, sought to bring Kentwell back to life. Their works have taken part of the House and its 15th Century Service Building back to the 16th Century. Elsewhere changes reflect their own preferences. House, Gardens & Farm have an unrivalled ability to captivate the visitor.

Take a glimpse into both the past and present of this unique House. Enjoy its delightful Gardens. You can do this whenever you come but especially if you visit during one of the award-winning Re-Creations of Tudor or WWII Everyday Life and (recently) Victorian life. Kentwell pioneered Tudor domestic Living History Events in the UK, and nearly 30 years on the Re-Creations are as magical as ever.

Bed-head babies
twin baby pictures
Image by EraPhernalia Vintage . . . (playin' hook-y ;o)
Sleepy heads waking up.
My daughter and her daughter, Hannah, fraternal twin to Shae Scott (not pictured—if I know him, he's still snoozin'!).

[Photo by mammaof3species]

Lambing & Daffodils at Kentwell Hall 28-03-2004
twin baby pictures
Image by Karen Roe
Kentwell - a very different experience: a romantic, completely moated, mellow redbrick Tudor mansion in a tranquil parkland setting - but so much more.

A 30+ years Restoration Project
In 1970 Kentwell stood neglected. No-one was prepared to take it on - except Patrick Phillips. He fell for this wonderful House in its magical setting and was not deterred by its condition. Ever since then he has, with his wife and family, sought to bring Kentwell back to life. Their works have taken part of the House and its 15th Century Service Building back to the 16th Century. Elsewhere changes reflect their own preferences. House, Gardens & Farm have an unrivalled ability to captivate the visitor.

Take a glimpse into both the past and present of this unique House. Enjoy its delightful Gardens. You can do this whenever you come but especially if you visit during one of the award-winning Re-Creations of Tudor or WWII Everyday Life and (recently) Victorian life. Kentwell pioneered Tudor domestic Living History Events in the UK, and nearly 30 years on the Re-Creations are as magical as ever.

No Rest for the Weary
twin baby pictures
Image by Patrick Q
"How do you expect us to sleep if you keep flashing those bulbs in our eyes!"

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Announcement photo shoot

Announcement photo shoot
baby photo shoot
Image by fahrenheit45one

Announcement photo shoot
baby photo shoot
Image by fahrenheit45one

Announcement photo shoot
baby photo shoot
Image by fahrenheit45one

Announcement photo shoot
baby photo shoot
Image by fahrenheit45one

Announcement photo shoot
baby photo shoot
Image by fahrenheit45one

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Cool Baby Wolf Pictures images

Wolf Spider with babies
baby wolf pictures
Image by ChrisCosta77
She was crawling around with babies on her back. It seemed like she was dying. Ants kept gathering around her and she'd move. Some of this pictures are blurry and off-centered, but I'm uploading the whole Event in iPhoto.

Wolf Spider with babies
baby wolf pictures
Image by ChrisCosta77
She was crawling around with babies on her back. It seemed like she was dying. Ants kept gathering around her and she'd move. Some of this pictures are blurry and off-centered, but I'm uploading the whole Event in iPhoto.

Wolf Spider with babies
baby wolf pictures
Image by ChrisCosta77
She was crawling around with babies on her back. It seemed like she was dying. Ants kept gathering around her and she'd move. Some of this pictures are blurry and off-centered, but I'm uploading the whole Event in iPhoto.

Wolf Spider with babies
baby wolf pictures
Image by ChrisCosta77
She was crawling around with babies on her back. It seemed like she was dying. Ants kept gathering around her and she'd move. Some of this pictures are blurry and off-centered, but I'm uploading the whole Event in iPhoto.

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Rabu, 27 Maret 2013

Cool Baby Photo Book images

Christmas 2003: The Nativity
baby photo book
The Nativity of Our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ icon design attributed to Andrei Rublev

Christmas 2003, egg tempera (8" X 10.5")

You are welcome to download the cartoon for this icon.

Icons were used as teaching tools. Most of the notes placed on this icon are biblical quotes or paraphrasing.

(This was my first egg tempera and I fell in love with the medium when I saw the ultramarine. Maybe I should have toned it down, but the intensity of egg tempera colors amazes me.)

I've compiled a chronological collection of some Nativity of Jesus works of art into three timeframes:

Please note, in response to flickr's Third-party image blocking I've moved my illustrated research notes to my blog, duckmarx: The Nativity

1. 100-1499

2. 1500-1699

3. 1700-present

How old is the Nativity icon design?The Patriarch of Alexandria, Cyril I (404-430 A.D.), authorized the use of icons as a visual means for teaching Christian doctrines. I think one of these was the Nativity icon. If this is so it would mean that the Nativity icon design extends back to at least the 5th century (404-430). In her article Origins of Nativity Scenes for Christmas, Christine Nyholm reports that "Some scholars believe that the earliest Nativity scene dates back to 2nd century AD in the catacombs of St. Priscilla." Both my conjecture and Christine Nyholm's conjecture require independent validation.

I am a visitor here / I am not permanent
baby photo book
Image by _Madolan_
My least favorite picture taken of me, ever, is this one. Not just because I'm holding a baby (I'm staunchly, almost radically, childfree). Not just because I'm round and pudgy (I'm even rounder now yet I kind of like my big ol' body). It's that terrible haircut, self-snipped in the morning mirror, undyed, brown, short, unflattering. I hate it.

So tonight's photo was taken to show how much growth has happened since that awful summer picture. I have inches. I have red. It's a slow recovery process but time heals all bad haircuts. Overprocessed? Sure! But it relaxes my natural corkscrew curls into longer, gentler waves, and I'm grateful for the added inches.

Every day is a day closer to a kinder length.

baby photo book
Image by pinprick
those are my patterns on the babies!

baby photo book
Image by Gustty
take it easy, baby

@Costa da Caparica.Portugal

making room for the baby 7
baby photo book
Image by petitshoo
My new work space--I had to purge a lot of things and we shifted our storage around a bit to make room for books I might need access to.

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