Senin, 01 April 2013


baby pictures ideas
Image by BrittneyBush

18-04-10 So I'm Taking My Frown To A Far Distant Town
baby pictures ideas
Image by Βethan
184/365 (Haha its the 18/4 and I'm on number 184 :D)

I got tagged

So this is me, (thanks a lot Christian :P) not that you can see my face...There's one in the comments but I think I look funny, you tell me which is better :)

10 facts about moi:
1. I have been to Glastonbury Festival 3 times, this year will be my fourth :D
2. I live on a hill where the only lights are a 10ft strip of road 8 miles away
3. The only new camera equipment I've bought is my actual camera and an M42 adaptor for old SLR lenses
4. I have no idea what I want to do after I finish school
5. Instead of a tripod, I'm currently using a telescope stand
6. My favourite band (at the moment) is Mumford & Sons
7. (This is difficullltttt) In June my brother and his wife are having a baby and I can't wait :D
8. I'm doing the International Baccalaureate with HL English Chemistry and French
9. I say stuff without thinking
10. I spend way too long taking pictures when I should be doing my work ;)

If anyone I've tagged has done this already, apologies, otherwise I look forward to yours :)

{Song is Ingrid Michaelson ~ Far Away}

baby pictures ideas
Image by Nat20_Film
This is one of the coolest opportunities I've had.

We had a robin take interest in our porch-side hanging plant one day. I personally thought at first it was just rummaging around looking for something this plant had that was edible.

That thought didn't last long as I figured it was pretty daft it wasn't finding what it was looking for. This bird was flopping around all crazy and all I saw was it's butt industriously bobbing about, turning around and bobbing again. This lasted for a while and I gave up the food idea. I figured it was just the laziest bird ever, and that it decided to just hallow out our plant instead of going through all that weaving business.

Further proving to you my lack of bird knowledge, it started a campaign to constantly flutter around picking up twiglets and resuming it's apparent fascination with butt-bobbing construction techniques.

At this point you might be wondering about my frequent use of that term. I do so only to give you the mental picture of what made me laugh every day I saw this happening. I had no other point of view from a standing angle. So on any given work day my routine was similar to this:

wake up
that bird's butt is bobbing again
open fridge to nothing interesting
still bobbing...
find keys
oh it's coming back with a twig, isn't that interes... back to butt bobbing
find phone
exit side door (not porch)
look back
still bobbing

It works on a running gag theory. Play those events over a week and the consistancy will be funny as it never deviates. If the bird saw the fridge part every day it might think that was amusing too.

Long story short, it has a nifty little nest with three baby blue eggs in it. Recently they've hatched and I only have fuzzy baby bird pictures (image quality not physical yet). I will post later. I hope to get some good examples of the growing stages but the location of the hanging plant is difficult.

house party
baby pictures ideas
Image by Spy On Pea
save for my cousin, graciela, i have NO idea who anyone in this picture is. =\ i'm pretty sure it was my party tho.


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