Minggu, 19 Mei 2013

Baby Colt 4

Baby Colt 4
cute babies pictures
Image by xopherlance
contemplating what should go into his mouth next.

See where this picture was taken. [?]

It's the so cute Pixel!
cute babies pictures
Image by Jezlyn26
I took out the LX3 last night for some black and white shots. I love the dynamic black and white mode on this camera! I also love the fast lens. This was shot at night indoors, and despite the ISO only being 400, I was able to get a pretty sharp handheld shot.

BTW, I know I have a lot more pictures posted of Pixel than of my other cat, Sprite. It's just that Sprite is a little less cute than Pixel in some ways. Pixel has the cute baby face, but Sprite has almost like a permanent scowl of a put-off teen. :P I have a few cute pictures of him that I need to post, though. :)

giant baby who wants to destroy the world IMG_3050
cute babies pictures
Image by tlr3automaton
four pictures of meg hamming it up for the camera at a playground during a picnic.

Baby Goat
cute babies pictures
Image by ljfullofgrace
He was just too cute for only one picture.

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